
South Tulsa Today

Friday, February 21, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Creek County rise or fall in 2021?

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Farms throughout cities in Creek County received $2.6 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 326 farmers in cities within Creek County received a total of $1.1 million in 457 farm subsidies, a 71.3% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $3.7 million in 824 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Creek County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Dale Buttram$218,010$102,851-52.8%
Ramona Lee Gee Rev Trustee$37,346$37,3460%
4 V Cattle Company, LLC$142,271$28,289-80.1%
Charles D Bohnefeld$46,090$28,237-38.7%
Fisher Agent Enterprises, Inc.$11,191$25,252125.6%
Steven Bell$28,296$24,616-13%
Mike Jones$28,486$20,979-26.4%
Sloan D. Varner$270,502$19,576-92.8%
Circle Ranch, Inc.$20,350$18,984-6.7%
David A. Miller Jr.$35,229$18,375-47.8%
Mark A. Cottom$86,227$17,787-79.4%
Glen Edward Vanorsdol$50,703$16,465-67.5%
Don Jolley$60,779$16,190-73.4%
Dan Vanorsdol$62,772$13,015-79.3%
Helen Varner Revocable Inter Vivos Trust$0$12,531--
Fisher Farms, Inc.$20,272$12,237-39.6%
Frank Juedeman$21,006$12,122-42.3%
Tom Holcomb$19,030$11,960-37.2%
Lana Marie Hanes$36,380$11,646-68%
Pecos McNiel$73,946$11,254-84.8%
Beki Mitchell$12,500$10,589-15.3%
Eric Mayberry$13,279$10,538-20.6%
Ryan Powell$12,100$9,919-18%
Earl Morse$5,544$9,14965%
Bill Inman$13,184$8,810-33.2%
Zach James$47,576$8,602-81.9%
Roger Pearman$18,535$8,189-55.8%
Richard L. Moore$7,536$7,8664.4%
Randy Wood$9,328$7,555-19%
Shawn A. Barrett$10,549$7,463-29.3%
George Karl McMillian$0$7,424--
Curtis Haskins$28,077$7,327-73.9%
Jerry Shelton-Jerry Shelton Rev Trustee$6,738$6,7380%
Susan E. Malinchak$2,134$6,657211.9%
Llast Hanes, Corp.$27,087$6,616-75.6%
Lamborn Ranch, LLC$30,578$6,607-78.4%
Katharine Rewerts Kelly Family, LLC$7,873$6,444-18.2%
Kathryn S. Thompson$6,754$6,315-6.5%
Sharon K. Vanorsdol$0$6,289--
Nathaniel Bradford Jr.$22,525$6,244-72.3%
Timothy D. Vanorsdol$8,041$6,220-22.6%
Billy D. McGuire$26,138$6,121-76.6%
Valerie Ann McClard$8,647$5,821-32.7%
Beth A. And Jack H. Circle Joint Revocable Trust Dated Septe$13,425$5,792-56.9%
Vicki Roth$22,770$5,630-75.3%
Paul Vanorsdol$22,176$5,592-74.8%
Donald Stephens$8,195$5,238-36.1%
Carol J. Dunegan$25,212$5,204-79.4%
Barbara C. Holcomb$6,176$5,133-16.9%
Teri R. Stamper$4,814$5,0645.2%
Westley Weir$12,007$4,887-59.3%
Theodore Alexander$6,193$4,869-21.4%
Learn More Today, LLC$5,894$4,446-24.6%
Jason K. Hunt$4,235$4,3813.4%
Jeff Pulliam$7,491$4,265-43.1%
Donald Adrian Brown$20,069$4,218-79%
Rachel Schonfield$3,663$4,19814.6%
Moore Deep Fork Ranch, Inc.$12,360$4,195-66.1%
Gene Barrett$6,485$4,139-36.2%
Darin K. Groom$10,772$4,074-62.2%
Harley D. Root$4,961$4,035-18.7%
Joey Varner$14,333$3,898-72.8%
Bob Mayberry$16,624$3,654-78%
Colton Levi Enman$0$3,634--
Brad Hendrick$7,234$3,585-50.4%
Scott Rowland$9,900$3,537-64.3%
Drew Sumner Morris$4,917$3,530-28.2%
David L. Barnett$0$3,500--
Melba L. Vanorsdol$0$3,412--
Alvin C Ailey Revocable Trust$0$3,355--
Kirk Sohl$0$3,339--
Jim D. Manning Jr.$4,004$3,330-16.8%
John Turner Longacre IV$17,962$3,286-81.7%
Duane Yocham$15,312$3,282-78.6%
Ron Matthews$5,896$3,275-44.5%
Joe G. Brown$14,802$3,238-78.1%
Kyle Linaweaver$0$3,190--
Thad J. Holcomb$19,804$3,161-84%
Raymond L. Campbell$6,063$3,151-48%
Kevin McCaslin$11,914$3,098-74%
Ricky Robertson$10,676$3,078-71.2%
Randy Odell$3,223$3,033-5.9%
Wayne Conley$2,739$3,01910.2%
Robert R. Pearman Jr.$7,130$2,986-58.1%
Jack Brown$14,663$2,925-80.1%
Sam Culver Stamper$42,829$2,852-93.3%
Odell Alexander$11,352$2,766-75.6%
Ryan L. McDaniel$15,325$2,752-82%
Albert C. Kelly Jr.$14,339$2,745-80.9%
Dean Brown Revocable Trust$10,767$2,670-75.2%
Johnny Manning$869$2,640203.8%
Aaron D. Moore$3,542$2,618-26.1%
Charles L. Potter$6,635$2,583-61.1%
Marty Vanorsdol$10,747$2,574-76%
Ron Scott$9,647$2,521-73.9%
Christina Snyder$0$2,504--
Keith E Watts & Nita E Watts Living Trust$0$2,459--
Willie Rex Cooper Jr.$14,873$2,432-83.6%
Kenneth Garton$11,241$2,403-78.6%
Paul W. Brown$11,099$2,398-78.4%
John William Gowdy$8,096$2,346-71%
Gene Vanorsdol$9,313$2,344-74.8%
Eddie Ralston$1,650$2,30839.9%
Mary A. Seago$8,067$2,308-71.4%
Preston Haulcomb$0$2,288--
Bill Shattuck$9,658$2,269-76.5%
Jason L. McDaniel$1,155$2,15186.2%
Donald J Keizor JR$3,080$2,133-30.7%
Wes Hudgins$9,713$2,111-78.3%
Patrick M. Parrick Sr.$8,316$2,094-74.8%
Robert James$8,487$2,088-75.4%
Martin R. Steinmetz$7,711$2,041-73.5%
Michael G. Glazier$8,404$2,036-75.8%
Robert H. Foresman$10,627$2,018-81%
Kyle Michael Schonfield$6,941$2,001-71.2%
Richard L. Moore Jr.$7,238$2,000-72.4%
Chad Dowdy$9,025$1,990-78%
Brian Weaver$7,539$1,979-73.7%
Slick Cattle Company, LLC$3,850$1,961-49.1%
Jerry L. Hurst$9,001$1,953-78.3%
Mark Combellick$3,223$1,915-40.6%
Zane William Goodwin$7,732$1,907-75.3%
Christopher James Cooper$8,213$1,890-77%
Rusty O. Johnson$0$1,888--
Randy N. Lee$6,252$1,882-69.9%
Skipper J. Haddock$10,527$1,876-82.2%
Edwin Smith$8,393$1,836-78.1%
Roger D. Smith$8,393$1,836-78.1%
Taylor Lux$29,616$1,825-93.8%
Glen M. Vanorsdol$8,369$1,785-78.7%
Jeff Varner$7,373$1,770-76%
Nicholas R. Peterson$0$1,760--
Jerry F. Gaskins$3,938$1,733-56%
Todd J. Hiett$8,769$1,721-80.4%
Rich Holsopple$7,285$1,719-76.4%
Malcolm Darrough$9,526$1,712-82%
Carol S. Jones$2,651$1,662-37.3%
Silven Shattuck$2,409$1,611-33.1%
Clarence H. Morgan$8,107$1,606-80.2%
Travis Wilcher$3,514$1,592-54.7%
Billy Gene Donaldson$2,453$1,584-35.4%
James A. Goddard$7,473$1,578-78.9%
J. E. Graves$4,026$1,572-61%
Jake William Gowdy$6,226$1,547-75.2%
Dwight Luther Jr.$3,538$1,525-56.9%
Sarah Sweet$5,709$1,519-73.4%
Second Chance Land and Cattle, LLC$10,928$1,498-86.3%
Damardray L Williams$5,918$1,494-74.8%
Ronnie Barrett$9,002$1,474-83.6%
Dwayne Smith$2,700$1,426-47.2%
K Lenees Rowell$5,489$1,416-74.2%
Jerry Fortney$3,988$1,400-64.9%
Tommy Gene Dale$5,440$1,392-74.4%
Mark Wray Hamilton$0$1,375--
Joshua Hughes$7,221$1,365-81.1%
Floyd Allen Burton Jr.$0$1,362--
Peter Grimm$1,760$1,358-22.8%
Andrew Schultz$0$1,354--
Melanie Anne Shannon$1,618$1,352-16.4%
Skye Varner McNiel$13,043$1,351-89.6%
Justin W. Hamlin$1,533$1,350-11.9%
Bobby Warner$7,657$1,342-82.5%
Rhonda Morgan$6,391$1,313-79.5%
Rashele K Blakley$5,936$1,311-77.9%
Daniel Joseph Wahl$5,610$1,297-76.9%
Ted Foutch$1,606$1,294-19.4%
John E. Jones Jr.$8,227$1,274-84.5%
Michael Ray Harper Sr.$4,521$1,256-72.2%
Dwight E Dejear$2,557$1,249-51.2%
Albert Messer Jr.$11,081$1,247-88.7%
Josh Bethel$6,039$1,240-79.5%
Charles R. Wilson$2,530$1,232-51.3%
Patricia Crenshaw$2,286$1,219-46.7%
Sammy D Parker Rev Trust$2,682$1,165-56.6%
Lee A. Brantley$5,280$1,163-78%
Double GW Cattle, LLC$5,691$1,159-79.6%
Edwin D. Ray$6,072$1,136-81.3%
Johnny L. Inman$5,234$1,135-78.3%
Louis G. Weaver$4,337$1,118-74.2%
Louis J. Malinchak$2,948$1,118-62.1%
Steven McClenathan$5,053$1,118-77.9%
Jordan Pettigrew$825$1,07530.3%
Roger Inman$4,466$1,074-76%
Jimmy D. Hiett$5,436$1,074-80.2%
Melvin Eugene Jones$5,706$1,058-81.5%
Debra Sue Bacon$5,104$1,052-79.4%
Rebecca L. Hall$4,323$1,051-75.7%
Kenny Pack$3,872$1,035-73.3%
Richard Potter$3,802$1,008-73.5%
H. A. Cearley$4,874$1,004-79.4%
Lindsey Mcdaniel - Tabor$4,502$1,002-77.7%
Richard Abbott$5,962$1,002-83.2%
Vivian McDaniel$4,502$1,002-77.7%
Leanne Stafford$4,509$1,002-77.8%
Cary Craft$5,641$993-82.4%
Randy James$3,707$986-73.4%
James W. Weir$5,082$979-80.7%
Dick B. Allee$4,752$979-79.4%
Jackie D. Smith$4,378$964-78%
Henry Busby$4,930$948-80.8%
Garland Smith$1,683$937-44.3%
Jerry R. Adams$0$935--
Martin P. Fischer$4,922$927-81.2%
Albert P. Johns$5,716$919-83.9%
Herman W. Taylor$5,922$914-84.6%
Camellia Brown Johnson$2,063$911-55.8%
Robert Eldon Lee$4,513$903-80%
Ronald McGuire$5,410$893-83.5%
Steven Lee Walshak$6,258$872-86.1%
Shirley Hendricks$3,631$868-76.1%
Stephen Hunter$6,153$868-85.9%
Steven Kipp$0$867--
Reford Johnson IV$3,905$865-77.8%
Glenn K. Thurman$3,586$861-76%
Renata Walshak$8,424$834-90.1%
Jody Clyde Rowan$3,944$830-79%
Justin Whitehouse$1,199$824-31.3%
Tobias Anderson$2,915$822-71.8%
Joe Jerome Wicker$3,179$800-74.8%
Michael Parrick Jr.$5,268$796-84.9%
Anthony Vitale Barzellone$4,180$789-81.1%
Jacob Henke$3,586$782-78.2%
Barbara A. Vickrey$4,380$765-82.5%
Joe Garrison$3,465$758-78.1%
Ricky Bruce Watts$3,873$758-80.4%
Richard Sample$2,023$745-63.2%
Edward Dean Dry$2,948$720-75.6%
Ray Heard$3,311$717-78.3%
Lane Boomer$2,992$712-76.2%
Justin Speers$3,101$694-77.6%
Gwen Foley$0$674--
Johnny W. Grant$3,410$672-80.3%
Larry N. Combs$4,112$671-83.7%
Warren Plum$4,469$661-85.2%
Ralph E. Greer Jr.$3,998$658-83.5%
Jason Combs$3,867$650-83.2%
Kerry Hilbert$2,563$640-75%
James Swan$3,500$623-82.2%
Kenneth Dejear$605$6182.1%
William D. Bolin$2,882$610-78.8%
Matt McDonald$3,881$606-84.4%
Gina McCaslin$2,123$605-71.5%
Ronny Thompson$814$592-27.3%
Donna R. Hunt$1,557$584-62.5%
John W. Fissel Jr.$2,480$581-76.6%
Katie Thomas$0$575--
Carl James Cole Sr.$2,233$564-74.7%
Terry U. Butler$2,376$561-76.4%
Dwight G. Manning$2,556$557-78.2%
Charlsie Hummel$2,376$540-77.3%
Craig Alpers$2,133$537-74.8%
Darin Dean$968$531-45.1%
Pat G. Cheek$2,431$530-78.2%
Olivia Toothman$0$526--
Lyle Perryman$2,112$519-75.4%
James Geisinger$1,980$518-73.8%
Roy L. Smith Jr.$2,420$516-78.7%
Gary E. Ponder$2,804$514-81.7%
Floyd Donaldson$2,398$512-78.6%
Matthew B Church$2,561$512-80%
Barbara M. Guthrie$2,365$506-78.6%
James Golden$3,632$505-86.1%
Tim Staton$1,254$502-60%
Glen Montgomery$2,277$498-78.1%
Paul D. Guthrie$1,991$474-76.2%
Angela Kay Richison$2,514$470-81.3%
James Chandler$2,145$460-78.6%
Larry Burgett$1,507$442-70.7%
Gary Curry$0$440--
Troy L. Vandecar$0$436--
Dayna Lee Mabray$18,936$436-97.7%
Carlene Carpenter$570$433-24%
Francis Wood$3,525$426-87.9%
Kenneth E. Parrick$1,089$426-60.9%
Jarrod R. Whitehouse$1,746$418-76.1%
Bob R. Thornburg$2,024$416-79.4%
Jerrod Phillip Bradley$1,562$416-73.4%
Robert L. Campbell$2,055$411-80%
Seth Glenn$385$4106.5%
Keith Rubey$528$408-22.7%
Jason D. Smith$1,903$402-78.9%
Edward L. Herring$1,210$397-67.2%
Henry A. Mayberry$1,903$391-79.5%
John Mack Hoover$1,552$390-74.9%
Lajuan Kent$1,210$390-67.8%
Jim Hicks$0$380--
Ronald Root$1,155$370-68%
Kendra Chuculate$1,815$364-79.9%
Lynn E Yardley Revocable Trust$1,534$357-76.7%
Ruth Conley$1,573$356-77.4%
Lacie Danielle Ledford$0$356--
Brenda J. Davidson$1,793$346-80.7%
Cody Schaefer$2,309$343-85.1%
Bobby L. Richison$1,430$339-76.3%
Seth Locke$1,120$339-69.7%
Amy London - J. Ashcraft$2,106$332-84.2%
Donald Anderson$1,793$332-81.5%
Tucker Thompson$517$331-36%
Rick Roe$1,405$327-76.7%
Lewis Bruner$1,521$321-78.9%
John Treloar$1,540$318-79.4%
Wilma Richison$594$300-49.5%
Dalton R. Wilson$1,337$278-79.2%
William Warnock$1,576$270-82.9%
Courtnee Beckham$3,805$263-93.1%
Jimmy Slemp$1,155$263-77.2%
Arling Medina$880$242-72.5%
Liticia D Cole$1,034$228-77.9%
Don Moss$495$228-53.9%
Michele White$0$216--
Joshua Michael$935$214-77.1%
Pauline Schaum$431$210-51.3%
Charles Clay$911$207-77.3%
Danny Ray Davis$869$190-78.1%
Wylie Childress$869$183-78.9%
Floye Honeycutt$748$174-76.7%
Tate Stratton$781$174-77.7%
Jeff Wheeler$1,833$172-90.6%
Nathaniel Trevon Bradford$0$154--
Charles Hurst$1,542$146-90.5%
Richard Horn$462$145-68.6%
Pat Crowell$2,118$134-93.7%
Tanner Hunt$631$107-83%
Henry Murphy Jr.$83$75-9.6%
Leann Hamilton$123$60-51.2%
Harley C Root JR and Donna J Root Family Trustee$0$56--
Becky Leigh$990$0-100%
Billy York$3,115$0-100%
Bruce Colclasure$4,675$0-100%
Colton Enman$3,755$0-100%
Cynthia Alexander$550$0-100%
Danielson-Corwin Family, LLC$12,147$0-100%
David Barnett$1,980$0-100%
Don Masterson$1,650$0-100%
Don Moss$495$0-100%
Dwight Anderson$1,045$0-100%
Freddie E. Abbott$330$0-100%
Garrett Tribble$1,375$0-100%
Greg Geyer$1,793$0-100%
Harley C Root JR and Donna J Root$464$0-100%
Helen Varner Revocable Inter Vivo$17,045$0-100%
Joan M. Harness$660$0-100%
Joe A. Ihle$15,539$0-100%
Jordan Root$385$0-100%
Julius Moore$1,639$0-100%
Keith E Watts & Nita E Watts Livi$11,587$0-100%
Kurtis W. Allen$4,987$0-100%
Leon D. Devine$550$0-100%
Martha Lovely-Weigant$385$0-100%
Melody Varner$38,981$0-100%
Preston L. Ellis$605$0-100%
Shawn Gaskins$1,150$0-100%
Slick Cattle Company, LLC$4,989$0-100%
Varner & Varner, Inc.$430,449$0-100%
Cindy Herman$6,578$0-100%
Joseph Scott$5,137$0-100%
Robert Parrick$990$0-100%
Shelley Prewitt$108$0-100%
Rodney Wilmott$495$0-100%
Alvin Wayne Foley$2,643$0-100%
Chester Arnold Barton$770$0-100%
Justin Paul Long$2,420$0-100%
Justin W. Hamblin$939$0-100%
Paul Edward Long$6,765$0-100%
Robert I. Lucas$709$0-100%
Stephen Luke Tuttle$385$0-100%
Tammy Davidson$385$0-100%
Tommy Sanders$275$0-100%
Barbara J. Wilson$3,775$0-100%
Curtis Fox$693$0-100%
D & D Agent, LLC$4,072$0-100%
Daniel Dakota McDonald$2,035$0-100%
Darin Samuels$9,790$0-100%
Darrell R. Wilson$6,345$0-100%
Destiny Dawn White$868$0-100%
Deyona E Hays$3,259$0-100%
Jack Gregory Selby$1,485$0-100%
D o. Morris 'Hern$43,775$0-100%
Rackley Family Rev Trust$1,723$0-100%
Samuel Andrew Lawley$2,860$0-100%
Bj Osburn$1,815$0-100%
Ron Rawlings$1,320$0-100%
Total subsidies$3,669,899$1,052,345-71.3%


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